Our customers
They trust us
Present in more than 40 major companies, efluid manages more than 30 million customers every day.
ÉNÉDIS manages 95% of the electricity distribution network for continental France. 39,000 employees are involved every day in the operation, maintenance and development of a network of more than 1 million kilometers. ÉNÉDIS guarantees access to the electricity network for its 35 million customers.

Gaz Electricité de Grenoble is the reference local distribution company in the Alps. The 6th biggest French electricity distributor and the 4th biggest gas distributor, GEG sells energy to more than 100,000 customers.

Located in Deux-Sèvres, SÉOLIS sells electricity in 296 cities and to 140,000 customers, supplied by the GÉRÉDIS network manager.

A major stakeholder in Eure and Loir, SYNELVA serves more than 50,000 customers in 71 cities.

The leading local energy supplier in France, ÉS supplies electricity to 520,000 customers and natural gas to 110,000 customers. The ÉS group has 1,300 employees.

A historical dealer, the Société Monégasque de l'Électricité et du Gaz is responsible for the distribution and supply of electricity and gas in the Principality.